Today I heard a story of a man from Jericho,
who faced a fearsome band of thieves while traveling down the road.
They beat him and they robbed him. Then leaving him half dead,
they gathered up their shameful spoils and through the desert fled.
So many people passed him by until a kindly man,
bound up his wounds and gave him drink and took him to an inn.
I have not walked from Jericho nor met a man in need.
And so I ask the question – Is this story meant for me?
Then I recall a student from my school who often flees
from others who should be his friends. Instead, they mock and tease.
Perhaps he’s like the traveler left wounded, in despair.
And I’ll be like the kindly man who stops to render care.
A friendly wave or smile will cheer his heart, I’m sure.
And joining us for lunch and play may bring a welcome cure.
Perhaps this story truly has a lot to do with me.
It’s great to find someone to help with simple words and deeds.
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