Shortly after my daughter was born, in the fog of sleep deprivation, amidst the 24/7 feeding, changing, rocking and bathing schedule, and when the neglect of not cooking, cleaning or doing laundry began to overwhelm me, I clearly remember the moment I had an epiphany.
The level of sacrifice, work and love required to bring a child into the world and help them grow into an independent, moral, contributing human being…well…. words fail. It almost has to be experienced to be understood.
Thus my dilemma. Having experienced it, I realize that no book-length greeting card or jumbo sized box of chocolates comes close to adequately saying thank you to my own mother. In fact, any commercially inspired attempt to say thank you one day of the year falls SO far short as to drop into the pathetic zone.
There is only one exception — the age category that gives painted macaroni necklaces, plaster hand prints or crayon-scrawled “I Love You’s”. Those gifts, given with so much anticipation that a child cannot stop hopping from one foot to the other until you open it, and waits with a look of naked hope that you will be pleased — well, that is a gift in and of itself.
If you are beyond that age, take heart. There are still ways to express your love and gratitude to your Mom on Mother’s Day. Pick one or more from the following Real Mother’s Day Gift List.
Live independently
Keep your word
Help others
Be dependable
Work hard
Love deeply
Freely forgive yourself and others. A lot.
Be kind.
Hang on through the tough times.
Forgive the hang-ups your parents contributed to. You’ll deliver plenty to your own children.
Work on your own hang-ups . Be better than your parents.
You might be wondering how to wrap this present. You can’t. And it isn’t given on Mother’s Day. Because you can’t repay your mom. You can only pay it forward. A life well lived is the only real gift you can give your mom.
However,….. a commercially inspired gift, backed up by a Real Gift, and accompanied by a handwritten note of love and gratitude goes nicely with it. Crayon scrawl is optional.
Barb says
Excellent post Teresa! Thanks for sharing