I have a picture of me standing next to my father in his baccalaureate robes from the local University. I am the 5th child of what will eventually number eight. He had completed a bachelor’s degree in business as the law degree he wanted became impractical with a family to support. I am five years old. We are holding hands.
I held that hand for many years. As a child, I rode the city bus downtown, getting off at 4th South and State Street and hiking to the Capitol building for lunch on the lawn with my father. He would take my hand as we chose the perfect spot in the shade of an elm tree for a picnic of meatloaf sandwiches, deviled eggs and homemade chocolate chip cookies. Afterwards, he would fold up the paper lunch sack to be used again, I would give him a hug, taking in the smell of his clean dress shirt, and hike back downtown to catch the bus going home.